“Moving on and being inspired: to help people move forward in finding ways to deal with uncertainty, build resilience and find forgiveness”
Welcome House had the honour of welcoming a very special guest Dr Waheed Arian author of In the Wars on the 15th of September 2023. Dr Arian fled war torn Afghanistan, learnt English from the BBC World Service and ended up studying medicine at Cambridge University. He now works in emergency medicine for the NHS and leads the pioneering charity Arian Teleheal.
His story is inspirational a story of courage ambition and unwavering resilience. The photo below shows Dr Arian with our Chair, Trish Dalby and General Manager, Bashir Siraj. We have challenged all of our service users to meet with Dr Arian in 10 years to see what they all did with their life. We can all remember how just meeting a special person at a certain time changed the path of our life and Dr Arian is certainly a very special person.
His experiences inspired him to become a doctor, reading medicine at Cambridge University, Imperial College and Harvard and going on to become a doctor in the NHS. Dr Arian has founded a telemedicine charity called Arian Teleheal. The charity enables doctors in conflict zones and low-resource countries to use their smartphones to receive advice from volunteer specialists in the UK, Canada, the US and other countries.
Please visit his website for more details explaining the inspiring journey and work.
See more information on our Facebook.